Dipstick reaction How is it done and what this test can determine
A plastic stick with strips of chemicals on it is placed in the urine. Chemical strips change color if certain substances are present or if their levels are higher than typical
1-PH Positive in Alkaline- may indicate old urine, Seen after eating (response to HCI secretion)
2- protein Positive in Proteinuria False Positives ( Highly alkaline urine) False Negatives( High salt)
3- glucose Positive in Diabetes Mellitus
4- ketones Positive in Uncontrolled Diabetes Mellitus
High protein diet (restricted carbohydrates)
Dehydration (excess vomiting and
diarrhea) False Positives (Highly pigmented urine,
purple color
Levapoda metabolites)
5-blood Positive in Hematuria - systemic bleeding disorders, renal disease, cystitis, calculi, strenuous exercise, Menstrual contamination
Hemoglobinuria - incompatible blood transfusion, malaria, strenuous exercise, hemolytic anemias
Myoglobin - muscle destruction
6- bilirubin Positive in Bile duct obstruction
Liver damage (hepatitis and cirrhosis)
False Positives(Medication color)
7- urobilinogen Positive in Liver damage (hepatitis and cirhosis)
Hemolytic anemias False Positives ( Highly pigmented urine) False Negatives( Nitrite)
8- nitrite Positive in Bacteria (UT) False Negative(newer strips more resistant)
9-leukocytes Positive in WBC in urine which most likely indicated the presence of bacteria
Reacts with granulocytes not lymphocytes
False Negative( Glucose, protein, high S.G and some antibiotics)
10- specific gravity Positive in Diabetes insipidus (consistenty low)
Radiopaque dye False Positives ( protein) False Negatives( alkaline urine )